在 2024 年,英国伯明翰内部物流展继续以绝对令人难以置信的速度增长。今年的参会人数接近9000 人,远远超出了我们预期的 8000 人,成为规模最大、效果最好的一届展会。联世展览作为中国独家代理,协助近十家中国企业首次亮相。展会虽仅有二天,但中国参展商现场与采购签订订单,并当场预定了2025年英国物流展大面积展台。
At 2024's edition, The IntralogisteX continues to grow at an absolutely incredible rate. We had nearly 9,000 attendees this year which absolutely blew away our expectation of 8,000 and made it the biggest and best edition of the event by a distance.
这意味着我们的参会人数比去年增长了 50%,由IntralogisteX (专业内部物流), Robotics and Automation(机器人与自动化), Sustainable Supply Chain(可持续供应链)三大板块合并后的本展会已真正成为英国仓储和物流界领先且发展最快的盛会。
That means our attendee numbers have grown an amazing 50% from last year!
The combined exhibition (IntralogisteX,Robotics and Automation, Sustainable Supply Chain) has truly become the UK's leading and fastest growing event for the warehousing and logistics community.
我们正在努力确保 2025 年的展会更加出色。所有迹象表明,2025 年,英国伯明翰内部物流展将有超过 11,000 名与会者和 350 家参展公司!
And we're working hard to make sure 2025 is even better. All signs suggest IntraLogisteX 2025 will have over 11,000 attendees and 350 exhibiting companies!
We are happy to announce that at 2025 IntralogisteX(March 25th to 26th ) will not have any schedule conflits with the famous LogiMAT(March 11th to 13th ) and SITL(April 1st to 3rd)!
组团单位:九州官方网站平台(中国)有限公司 Guangzhou LINKS Exhibition Co., Ltd.
联 系 人: 胡果13725261367 林云18028521484 丁玲13672484236 何佳18312428682
电 话: (020) 29819080
传 真: (020) 29819082
邮 件: sales@ls-expo.com.cn sales08@ls-expo.com.cn sales06@ls-expo.com.cn
地 址: 广州市天河区中山大道中258号A2405
网 址: www.uginet.com
九州官方网站平台(中国)有限公司 - 专注全球展会服务,弘扬中国制造。推进诚信贸易 创建国际品牌