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展会资讯丨LogiMAT China 2022 延期通知


LogiMAT China 2022 今年 11 月移师深圳举办!


受上海新冠疫情影响,根据市政府要求,为保护所有参与者的健康与安全,原定于 2022 6 15-17 日在上海新国际博览中心举办的 LogiMAT China 2022 国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会及所有同期相关活动将延期举。在征询行业企业、重点买家及合作方的意见后,经多方协调沟通, LogiMAT China 2022举办时间变更为 2022 11 9-12 ,举办地点迁移至深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)

多年来,LogiMAT China 一直致力于发挥品牌优势、为参展商打造完美展示及高效沟通的平台;在共同为广大国际宾客呈现内部物流科学前沿技术产品和解决方案的同时,让双方可以遇见新的客户及合作伙伴、扩大工作网络、促进业务发展。仓库自动化、数字化、物联网和智能识别,从概念、设计到实现成品;用于仓库管理的各类软件、叉车、AGV、穿梭车、货架包装等解决方案也都将在 LogiMAT China 2022 得到精彩展示。

11 月移师深圳的举措是基于多方考虑:

- 深圳近年来发展迅猛,作为粤港澳大湾区核心城市,在带动大湾区实现高质量发展中起到了“乘数效应;同时深圳一直以来秉承的开放发展理念,是国际贸易和交流的重要基础

- 获益于高效且卓有成效防疫政策,深圳会展项目已经重启,会展业也发出了明确的复苏信号

- 大湾区依靠其优的地理位置和强大的工业基础,已经逐渐发展成为具有世界影响力的国际创新中心。大湾区在内部物流技术和解决方应用方面,也已建立重点区域市场。

- 有幸与深圳知名工业展 DMP 强强联合。DMP 大湾区工业博览会已经成功举办 20 余年,每年聚集 1600 家参展商和 13 万余名观众。同期举办,LogiMAT China 将为大湾区观众呈现内部物流产业前沿科技。DMP 将为LogiMAT China 深入大湾区制造业开启新篇章提供助力。

我们相信,重新安排的 LogiMAT China 2022 将为大家带来的体验。当整个行业聚到一起时,会产生思想的碰撞我们相信,2022 展会将再次提供这样的好时机,行业聚集在一起,面对面交流,讨论最新的技术和解决方案,相互学习、探讨


期待与您 2022 11 9-12 日在深圳相

LogiMAT China 团队




LogiMAT China 2022 will be back this November in Shenzhen

Dear Exhibitors and Visitors,

Due to the ongoing lockdown in Shanghai, and in accordance with the government’s local requirements, LogiMAT China 2022 had to be postponed in order to protect the health and safety of all show participants. Following the consideration of feedback received from major stakeholders and partners, as well as multilateral coordination and communication, LogiMAT China 2022 will be held from November 9-12, 2022, and moved to Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center in Shenzhen, China.

Over the past years, LogiMAT China brings professionals together and offers a platform to develop and increase the day-to-day business – A well-organized place to find and to be found. Warehouse automation, digitalization, the internet of things, smart identification from conception and design till realization – but also software solutions for warehouse management, forklifts, AGV’ s, shuttles, racking and packaging solutions will be presented at LogiMAT China 2022. We are pleased to offer this platform to present up-to date products, solutions and systems to a wide range of international guests.

The plan to restart the exhibition in Shenzhen in November 2022 was based on various considerations.

- Shenzhen has developed strong momentum in recent years. Being  a central city in the Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macau Greater Bay    Area, it serves as a "multiplier effect". Shenzhen has always      adhered to the development concept of openness, which is a key to  international trade.

- Due to its effective epidemic prevention policy, Shenzhen already  reopened its trade fair doors, thus sending a clear message of    recovery for the exhibition industry.

- Greater Bay Area relies on its ideal location and strong manufacturing  industry background, rapidly developing into an international innovation center with worldwide influence. It has become a leading  application market of intra-logistic technologies and solutions.

- We proudly join forces with the leading industrial show in  Shenzhen – DMP. Established for more than 20 years, DMP each year  brings together over 1,600 exhibitors and 130,000 visitors. To be co-  located with DMP, LogiMAT China will offer the visitors first-hand intralogistics solutions and concepts. Meanwhile, DMP will bring LogiMAT China deeper into GBA’s manufacturing industry and help create a new chapter for LogiMAT.

We are convinced that the newly rescheduled LogiMAT China 2022 trade shows will deliver the experience that everyone expects. We know that great things happen when the entire business community comes together and we are convinced that the next edition of the show will be again a great opportunity to bring the industry together in one place, build and develop face-to-face relationships, check out the latest technologies and learn from each other and the industry experts.

We would like to take this opportunity, once again, to thank all partners, exhibitors and visitors for their support and confidence that together we can achieve more.

We look forward to welcoming you in Shenzhen from 9-12 November 2022!


LogiMAT China Team


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