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联世展览全球机器人展项目组:鉴于目前新型冠状病毒在全球范围内迅速扩散,慕尼黑博览集团(Messe München)在听取德国卫生主管部门和德国巴伐利亚州政府的建议后,决定将原定于2020年6月16-19日举办的慕尼黑国际机器人及自动化技术博览会(automatica)进行延期。这一举措是在与合作方德国机械设备制造业联合会(VDMA)机器人与自动化分会协商讨论后,秉承着对参展商和观众健康负责的原则上做出的。automatica新展期定档为:2020年12月8-11日,联世展览与您不见不散!

慕尼黑博览集团董事总经理Falk Senger表示:“从目前的形势,尤其是从医学和经济学角度来看,在6月中旬举办automatica对所有参展商和观众而言并不合适。现在,我们期待与业界携手并肩,在今年12月成功举办2020慕尼黑国际机器人及自动化技术博览会(automatica 2020)!”更多报名参展参观电话:020-29819080/联世展览

延期展会的决定是根据众多参展商的反馈信息,由慕尼黑博览集团与合作方德国机械设备制造业联合会机器人与自动化分会共同决定的。分会董事总经理Patrick Schwarzkopf解释道:“作为合作方,德国机械设备制造业联合会机器人与自动化分会全力支持展会延期举办的决定。目前形势严峻,参展商和观众在6月参与展会的意愿在下降。旅行受到严格限制,势态发展难以预测。这些因素从根本上降低了6月举办展会的可能性,亦将对展会的成功举办产生重大影响。与此同时,automatica作为全球知名的国际机器人及自动化技术博览会,在整个行业中的重要地位也不允许我们去冒险。”

automatica顾问委员会主席兼KUKA AG首席营销官Wilfried Eberhardt补充道:“将automatica展会延至年末举办是正确的决定。12月展会将成为后危机时期成功的重要催化剂,携手行业共克时艰。”

Due to the increasing global spread of Coronavirus and based on the recommendations of the German Federal Government and the Bavarian State Government, Messe München feels compelled to postpone automatica 2020. This measure has been taken in consultation with the VDMA Robotics + Automation Association as conceptual sponsor and in responsibility for the health of exhibitors and visitors. automatica 2020 will instead take place from December 8 to 11, 2020.

“Under the given circumstances, opening automatica in the middle of June would not be justifiable towards our customers, in particular from a medical and economic perspective,” says Falk Senger, Managing Director of Messe München and responsible for automatica. “Now, we are looking forward to hosting a successful automatica 2020 together with the industry in December.”

The decision to postpone the event was taken by Messe München in close consultation with VDMA Robotics + Automation as conceptual sponsor and in consideration of the feedback received from many exhibitors. Patrick Schwarzkopf, Managing Director of VDMA Robotics + Automation, explained: “As conceptual sponsor, VDMA Robotics + Automation supports the postponement of automatica 2020. Based on the current situation, we believe that the possibility for exhibitors and visitors to take part in the event is becoming increasingly smaller. Travel options are severely limited at the moment, and further developments cannot be predicted. These factors fundamentally jeopardize the possibility of holding the trade fair in June. At the same time, the importance of automatica as the world's leading trade fair for intelligent automation and robotics is so great that we do not want to take this risk.”

Wilfried Eberhardt, Chairman of the automatica Advisory Board and Chief Marketing Officer of KUKA AG, adds: “The postponement of automatica to the end of the year is the right decision in view of the current situation. In December, the trade fair will act as an important catalyst for a successful post-crisis period and will help the industry to emerge stronger from the current exceptional situation.”




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